Than a cutie with a missing tooth? The tooth next door is only hanging on by a thread. I predict today she will be totally toothless!
Hi i just stumbled onto your blog a few days ago and couldnt be more happier. I just love your layouts its really hard for me to get ideas going but when I saw your pages I was totally inspired thank you so much for sharing all your great ideas with us challenged scrappers its greatly appreciated. Your blog is added to my fav list and ill be sure to visit weekly. Thanks once again.
I'm Julie a fan of all things crafty! Most of my me time goes to scrapbooking or photography. I'm always trying to get better at both. My 2 kiddos are the main subjects of both my photography and my scrapbooking so you will see a lot of them on here. Thanks for taking a look at my blog!
Hi i just stumbled onto your blog a few days ago and couldnt be more happier. I just love your layouts its really hard for me to get ideas going but when I saw your pages I was totally inspired thank you so much for sharing all your great ideas with us challenged scrappers its greatly appreciated. Your blog is added to my fav list and ill be sure to visit weekly. Thanks once again.
Can't get much cuter than that!
Can't get much cuter than that :)
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